Parent Info

Parent Information for Camps & Training

For all soccer camps, players are required to arrive in sports appropriate clothing and footwear. During the summer months, please ensure your player arrives with adequate sun protection.

Program Times

We request you pick up and drop off your player promptly. Start and end times will be listed online and on your registration confirmation.

Parent Observation

For our younger footballers we strongly recommend you stay and watch, however, we ask that you keep your distance so your child is not dependent on you. If you do need to leave, please let the coach know. For our older footballers, you are more than welcome to stay, however, again please keep your distance so your child can learn and play!

Camp and Class Safety

We want you to feel as comfortable as possible leaving your child with us, so we have safety systems in place including signing in and out procedures, emergency drills, program coordinators and fully trained first aid coaches. Under no circumstance will your child be left on their own. We have been running programs for over 10 years, and safety is our number one priority.

Signing In and Out

On the first day, please bring your player to the lead coach/coordinator to sign in, they will then be assigned a coach who you will sign in and out with for the rest of the program. The coach will not allow your child to leave unless you are present, so please don’t wait in a car or parking lot. If your child is allowed to walk home or leave with someone else, we require a personal hand written letter of consent to your child’s coach.

What To Bring

Clothing: Please dress your player appropriately for the weather. Protection from the sun is especially important.

Footwear: Appropriate footwear must be worn for all classes.

Equipment: Please check the Camp/Private Description section. Required equipment will be noted in this area.

Food: If your player is on a half day camp, please provide a snack. If your child is on a full day camp, please provide snacks and a bagged lunch.

Drink: Please provide plenty of fluid for your child to last the duration of the program. We recommend at least 1 gallon (4 liters) for all camps.


We try not to cancel programs, but sometimes Mother Nature just gets in our way! In this case, please use the website to receive the most up to date information regarding rain outs, snow or heat advisory cancellations before calling or emailing.

Make-Up Information

The vast majority of our programming consists of outdoor play. Registration for any camp or private should come with the understanding that a portion of a camp/private may be impacted or canceled due to adverse weather conditions. If a program is impacted by weather, where you registered will dictate the weather policy/make-up information which applies.